Kelkheim Hornau - Trainstation Gagernring
- Title:
- Kelkheim Hornau - Trainstation Gagernring
- Website:
- Street:
- Mörikestrasse 2
- Postcode:
- 65779
- City:
- Kelkheim (Taunus)
- Country:
- Map:
Show Kelkheim Hornau - Trainstation Gagernring on Google Maps
Map: |
Directions: |
Coming from ... all directions take A66 (from Frankfurt direction Wiesbaden, from Wiesbaden vice versa). Take exit to Bad Soden / Königstein at Main-Taunus-Zentrum (Ffm-Höchst) and go on to B8. Stay on B8 up to the end of the 2-laned motorway (approx 8 km - do not leave B8 before). |
Public Transport: |
From Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof / main station take commuter train RB12 and exit at Kelkheim (Taunus)-Hornau Bahnhof. |