Wiesbaden - Neroberg Opel-Bad Parking
- Title:
- Wiesbaden - Neroberg Opel-Bad Parking
- Website:
- https://goo.gl/maps/G9BU9ARzmAdn6r5...
- Street:
- Neroberg
- Postcode:
- 65193
- City:
- Wiesbaden
- Country:
Venue: Main parking lot of Opelbad / Neroberg at
end of Philipp-Hoffmann-Weg / Neroberg, 65193 Wiesbaden.
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/G9BU9ARzmAdn6r5i7
Public transport:
Check the given connection and timetable below.
There is no bus to the Opelbad or to the top of Neroberg.
From Frankfurt Take S9 to Wiesbaden main station, change over to busline #1 and exit at Nerobergbahn.
Then walk up the hill or use Nerobergbahn to get on the top of the hill (one-way 4,- €, return 5,- €).
Driving: Use your GPS and the given map!
Take A66 direction Wiesbaden exit Wiesbaden-Erbenheim or Mainzer Strasse towards City centre, Kurhaus / Theater on Wilhelmstrasse and turn left at the end of the street into Taunusstrasse.
Take the next right, drive up Geisberg and follow the main road and signposts to Neroberg / Opelbad!
Carpool if possible.