FH3 Run #1845 Hares: 20 Pound Pussy & Just in Beaver needed
- Title:
- FH3 Run #1845 Hares: 20 Pound Pussy & Just in Beaver needed
- When:
- Sat, 27. March 2021, 13:00 h - Sun, 28. March 2021, 18:00 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1845
Hares: 20 Pound Pussy & Just in Beaver
Second time in a row.
No, she isn't a complete virgin hare anymore, as she did it at least once with Just in Beaver and Niceboy ... in Sembach.
This time, they are defloring the surroundings of Frankfurt Westbahnhof.
Be prepared for some city, some shiggy and more.
Trail Open: Saturday, 13:00. Maybe rechecked by the Hare or some Hashers on Sunday.
Chalk talk will be somewhere at the parking lot under the bridge or next to the trainstation.Look for it carefully and follow instrutions below.
- false trails and usual Frankfurt HHH marks. Additional marks are optional.
- first hash mark at a check will be on. Either you run into an X or it is described differently.
- possibly there will be markings for eagles and turkeys and other things on trail. No promises on that.
Hessian Corona rules and restrictions are still with us, incidences are still on a high level.
- no alcohol consumption on crowded public places, but not restricted all over.
- only run with one other household, max. 5 persons all together. (Kids <14 don't count.)
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask wherever it is required (i.e. public transport!).
It's open and everybody is welcome. Have some of your prefered drink with you.
Zoom Circle and social drinking:
Sunday, 16:00 @your device
Meeting-ID: 848 4573 8414
Password: FH3Circle
#1846 - 03. + 04.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1847 - 10. + 11.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1848 - 17. + 18.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1849 - 24. + 25.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1850 - 01. + 02.05.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1851 - 08. + 09.05.2021 - HARES NEEDED
and all coming hashes of the actual season 2021.
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
- Location:
- FFM-Westbahnhof Parking
- Street:
- Kasseler Str. 5
- Postcode:
- 60486
- City:
- Frankfurt am Main - Bockenheim
- Country:
- Map:
Show FFM-Westbahnhof Parking on Google Maps
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ZkVCZQaRZrmUEo717
parking lot north of main entrance
Kasseler Strasse 5
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Public transport: any S-Bahn, Train or Bus stopping at Frankfurt Westbahnhof or Tram line 16