FH3 Run #1844 Hare: Slippy noStockings
- Title:
- FH3 Run #1844 Hare: Slippy noStockings
- When:
- Sat, 20. March 2021, 13:00 h - Sun, 21. March 2021, 18:00 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1844
Off to new territories!
Slippy noStocking and just Gulsen found a book with nice Taunus trails and they don't dare to give them a trial.
We hope, you will follow on to new paths in the Taunus and enjoy as well.
Trail Open: Saturday, 13:00 and might get checked by the Hare on Sunday.
Chalk talk will be somewhere at the parking lot next to the trainstation.
- false trails and usual Frankfurt HHH marks.
- first hash mark at a check will be on. Either you run into an X or it is described differently.
- possibly there will be markings for eagles and turkeys and other things on trail. No promises on that.
Hessian Corona rules and restrictions are still active, incidence and r-factor are still #+%§#.
- no alcohol consumption on crowded public places,
- only run with one other household, max. 5 persons all together. (Kids <14 don't count.)
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask if required (public transport!).
No changes yet, you know about.
It's open and everybody is welcome. Have some of your prefered drink with you.
Zoom Circle and social drinking:
Sunday, 16:00 @your device
Meeting-ID: 848 4573 8414
Password: FH3Circle
#1845 - 27. + 28.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED - possibly 20 Pund Pussy p& Just in Beaver
#1846 - 03. + 05.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED - Easter Weekend (hopefully as a D.O.M. trail again in 2022!)
#1847 - 10. + 11.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1848 - 17. + 18.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1849 - 24. + 25.04.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1850 - 01. + 02.05.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1851 - 06.05.2021 or 08. + 09.05.2021 - HARES NEEDED - change back to Thursday / Summer hashing depends on Corona situation
#1852 and all coming hashes of the actual season 2021.
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
- Location:
- Hausen-Arnsbach Trainstation
- Street:
- An der Eisenbahn 5
- Postcode:
- 61267
- City:
- Neu-Anspach - Hausen-Arnsbach
- Country:
- Map:
Show Hausen-Arnsbach Trainstation on Google Maps
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/cJWNAyaXjf4knDscA
By car: follow this Google Map route from Bad Hombruger Kreuz / A661 to Hausen-Arnsbach train station.
By train:
There is a stop of Taunusbahn in Hausen-Arnsbach, running from Bad Homburg towards Grävenwiesbach or Waldsolms-Brandoberndorf at least hourly.
From Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof S5 direction Friedrichsdorf to Bad Homburg v.d.H Bahnhof, then change to R15 towards Waldsolms-Brandoberndorf, get down at Hausen -Arnsbach Bahnhof.
Look at www.rmv.de for actual times.