FH3 Run #1841 Hare: Niceboy
- Title:
- FH3 Run #1841 Hare: Niceboy
- When:
- Sat, 27. February 2021, 12:00 h - Sun, 28. February 2021, 18:00 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1841
Hare: Niceboy
Trail will be open from Saturday 14:00 (if earlier, the hare will announce it) and available all weekend.
Hopefully wet'n'muddy, Niceboy style.
Take your shoes and hash gear and enjoy this weeks trail. Maybe you will see a hare on trail.
The known Hessian Corona rules and restrictions are still active.
So again, expect
- no alcohol consumption on crowded public places,
- false trails and usual marks.
- first hash mark at a check will be on. Either you run into an X.
- possibly there will be markings for eagles and turkeys on trail. No promises on that.
- only run with one other household, max. one additional person,
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask if required (public transport).
So again, expect
- no alcohol consumption on crowded public places,
- false trails and usual marks.
- first hash mark at a check will be on. Either you run into an X.
- possibly there will be markings for eagles and turkeys on trail. No promises on that.
- only run with one other household, max. one additional person,
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask if required (public transport).
No changes yet, you know about.
Either you have been on trail or not - join the Zoom Circle on Sunday!
It's open and everybody is welcome. Have some of your prefered drink with you.
It's open and everybody is welcome. Have some of your prefered drink with you.
Zoom Circle and social drinking:
Sunday, 16:00 @your device
Meeting-ID: 848 4573 8414
Password: FH3Circle
#1842 - 06. + 07.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1843 - 13. + 14.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1844 - 20. + 21.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1845 - 27. + 28.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
and all coming weekends of the actual winter season 2021.
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
- Location:
- Park & Ride S3, Sulzbach Nord
- Street:
- Staufenstraße 29
- Postcode:
- 65843
- City:
- Sulzbach (Taunus)
- Country:
- Map:
Show Park & Ride S3, Sulzbach Nord on Google Maps
S-Bahn PARK & RIDE Parking at Staufenstraße, 65843 Sulzbach (Taunus) - Nord
Calk talk at the end of the parking lot.
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/mVZ9rG6W7bsp6B8X6
Directions |
From all directions take A66 (from Frankfurt direction Wiesbaden, from Wiesbaden towards Frankfurt). Take Exit direction Sulzbach / Bad Soden / Königstein on to B8. Take the FIRST exit off B8 to Sulzbach and Bad Soden (before Main-Taunus-Zentrum / Kinopolis). Pass straight over the next two traffic lights and you will reach a large x-crossing with some traffic lights. Take the right lane and turn right (L3014). At the next crossing turn left (Hauptstrasse), underpass the railway bridge and turn immediately right behind the bridge into Staufenstraße.
Look out for the parking on the right hand side and drive as far up as you can. Luckily you will see loitering hashers, maybe waiting for the hare(s) or some beer. Don't park straight at the Schluckspecht liquer store at the corner!
Public Transport | From Frankfurt take S-Bahn S3 towards Bad Soden and leave the train at Sulzbach (Taunus) Nord. Walk on the platform against the train driving direction up to the end of the platform, down the stairs, left, up, out of the tunnel and left again. Look out for chalk-talk. Check details at www.rmv.de |
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