FH3 Run #1840 Hare: Too lazy too swallow
- Title:
- FH3 Run #1840 Hare: Too lazy too swallow
- When:
- Sat, 20. February 2021, 12:00 h - Sun, 21. February 2021, 18:00 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1840
Hare: Too lazy too swallow
Trail will be open from Saturday noon, 12:00 and available all weekend.
It's getting warm, maybe muddy.
Bring some water to quench your thirst or clean yourself.
Come out and enjoy this weeks trail.
Additional to the directions below be aware that there will be a bomb evacuation on Sunday in Frankfurt - Niederrad.
Parts of Frankfurt Niederrad will be closed, no trespassing, restricted S-Bahn service.
Driving along the river on Schwanheimer Ufer or Lyoner Straße should be possible.
Check: https://arcg.is/1Hqi4O
If you are coming from the south via A5 turn left at the end of the ramp and go towards and through Frankfurt - Goldstein / Schwanheim.
Route: https://goo.gl/maps/7Jc64zrswYDN4zQ48
Via A5 from the north, nothing changed.
From the west, Wiesbaden area, use A66 or A3 B40 and drive though Frankfurt Goldstein.
Rout: https://goo.gl/maps/hjKd7WXfdDmawKe6A
Hessian Corona rules and restrictions are still active.
So again, expect
- no drink stop and no alcohol consumption on public places,
- false trails,
- an eagles and a turkeys trail. This is depending on the hare mood,
- only run with one other household, max. one additional person,
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask if required (public transport).
So again, expect
- no drink stop and no alcohol consumption on public places,
- false trails,
- an eagles and a turkeys trail. This is depending on the hare mood,
- only run with one other household, max. one additional person,
- obey social distancing rules,
- wear a FFP2 / surgery / medical face-mask if required (public transport).
It's still the same, you know about.
Either you have been on trail or not - join the Zoom Circle!
It's open and everybody is welcome. Have some of your prefered drink with you.
Zoom Circle and social drinking:
Sunday, 16:00 @your device
Meeting-ID: 848 4573 8414
Password: FH3Circle
#1841 - 27. + 28.02.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1842 - 06. + 07.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1843 - 13. + 14.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1844 - 20. + 21.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
#1845 - 27. + 28.03.2021 - HARES NEEDED
and all coming weekends of the actual winter season 2021.
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
- Location:
- Frankfurt Goldstein - Parking Zur Waldau
- Street:
- Straßburger Strasse 19
- Postcode:
- 60529
- City:
- Frankfurt am Main - Goldstein
- Country:
- Map:
Show Frankfurt Goldstein - Parking Zur Waldau on Google Maps
Parking lot in front of Kleingartenverein Schwarzbach / Sportclub Goldstein
Straßburger Straße, approx #19 / Zur Waldau
60529 Frankfurt am Main - Goldstein
Public transport: Take tram 12 direction Rheinlandstraße from S-Bahn station Niederrad or Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof and get off at Waldau.
It's just a short walk to the location.
It might be marked!
Follow this route: https://goo.gl/maps/t2vK46HAL5xjD4MX6
It's just a short walk to the location.
It might be marked!
Follow this route: https://goo.gl/maps/t2vK46HAL5xjD4MX6
Driving: Ask you navigation system or Google maps. The parking lor is in front of the Kleingartenverein.
You will see it!
If you're coming from north via A5 don't be German and turn right at the end of the ramp, even if it's not allowed.
You will see it!
If you're coming from north via A5 don't be German and turn right at the end of the ramp, even if it's not allowed.
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