FH3 RUN 1179
- Title:
- FH3 RUN 1179
- When:
- Sun, 21. September 2008, 14:30 h - 18:30 h
Your Honor (M.0160-93535037)
The Wolf (
63150 Heusenstamm, corner of Isenburgerstr. and Ringstr. (Parkplatz Hegelstr., next to highrise apartment building) – See also the map on this page, click on the ON ON FEET!
How to get there:
bus 651 from airport via Neu Isenburg (S-Bahn) to Wildhoferstr.; S2 to Heusenstamm and short walk.
By car from Frankfurt- Süd: follow Darmstädter and Babenhäuser Landstr.(B3); keep right and follow sign B459 dir. Dieburg; pass under A5 and turn 1st right at traffic circle (dir.Dietzenbach and Neu Isenburg); at 1st traffic light turn left and follow B459 dir.Heusenstamm: pass city sign and INFO board and turn right at 2nd traffic light (HHH sign) into Ringstr.; after 50m turn right (HHH sign) into Hegelstr and immed. Right again into parking lot (Parkplatz).
From all other directions: leave A3 (exit 52) or A661(exit 17) at Offenbacher Kreuz and follow signs towards Dieburg on B459 (see above).
On after:
Pizzeria „Zur alten Linde“ (with beergarden) next to parking lot.
Note: we would like to see all the hashers winging about Monday runs!!!
- Location:
- Parkplatz Hegelstraße, Heusenstamm
- Street:
- Hegelstrasse
- Postcode:
- 63150
- City:
- Heusenstamm
- County:
- Hessen
- Country:
- Map:
Show Parkplatz Hegelstraße, Heusenstamm on Google Maps