Visiting Bad Soden Xmas Market after or during trail.
Details might be updated by the hares.
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Until than, you will run around Wiesbaden Erbenheim in circles.
Directions by car:
From all directions take A66 (from Frankfurt direction Wiesbaden, from Wiesbaden towards Frankfurt). Get off A66 at exit direction Sulzbach /
Bad Soden / Königstein on to B8. and take the FIRST exit to Sulzbach and Bad Soden (before reaching exit to Main-Taunus-Zentrum and Kinopolis). Go straight over the next three traffic lights and enter Bad Soden. Drive down the main road called Königsteiner Straße. You’ll see LIDL few meters before the roundabout.
Public Transport:
This is as simple as it gets: From Frankfurt HBF take the S-Bahn S3 direction Bad Soden and….guess what? You get off at Bad Soden!!! It’s like magic, you can even take a nap and you won’t miss your stop! Get out of the station, look for Königsteiner Str. and find the Lidl parking lot.
Check out for further details.