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We need Hares for the upcoming FRANKFURT HASHES during Winter Season 2023.
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
Until than, you will run around Wiesbaden Erbenheim in circles.
Location: Parkplatz Restaurant Hotel Sandplacken,
at crossing L3004 / L 3024
61389 Schmitten
If you drive up from Oberursel, turn left at the main junction then left again onto the parking lot.
Check the map!
For those not owning a car or driving, try to get a lift!
Grab a beer/wine/whiskey, take U-Bahn / subway U3 from Frankfurt to Oberursel Hohemark.
Get off the tram at the end station Hohemark.
Change over onto Bus #57 direction Königstein and get off the bus at station Schmitten-Arnoldshain Sandplacken!
The car park is on the west side in front of the Restaurant Hotel Sandplacken.
Check for your individuell connection.
Directions - by car:
Be sober, open car door, drive to the place your navigation tells you to go to.
Park car in the car park area.
You are all grown ups (legally), I am sure you will figure it out.