FH3 Run #1879 Hare: F#cking Intense
- Title:
- FH3 Run #1879 Hare: F#cking Intense
- When:
- Sun, 21. November 2021, 14:30 h - 19:00 h
Frankfurt HHH RUN #1879
Hare: F#cking Intense
This week's run will be in beautiful WIESBADEN again! and a special treat awaits you after a trail that will take your breath away, in every respect!
OnAfter: you are in for a treat!
F*cking Intense is treating us to a HashGiving meal with Turkey, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, green bean casserole, etc etc! Vegetarians will be catered for as well!
Bring some food and drink to share, please
IMPORTANT: PLEASE STICK TO THE 2G RULE (Geimpft (vaccinated) and/ or Genesen (recovered) from Covid) when visiting the hare's private home
** as sad as it is but we will all have to be a little (errr.. VERY) careful again with the rising Covid numbers everywhere. So please - refrain from hugging, snogging, rubbing against each other and basically EVERYTHING that cannot guarantee the avoidance of any kind of cell- or fluid exchange**
Contact your Mismanagement today! (
- Location:
- Wiesbaden Fresenius-Denkmal
- Street:
- Freseniusstrasse
- Postcode:
- 65193
- City:
- Wiesbaden
- Country:
Fresenius-Denkmal, Freseniusstraße / Dambachtal, Wiesbaden
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1Xb6YjxCVLNSD8o67?g_st=iw
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1Xb6YjxCVLNSD8o67?g_st=iw
How to get there:
Public transport: ask www.rmv.de for the schedule.
from: Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof
to: Wiesbaden Dambachtal
By car: you probably have the easier option for once - Enter destination and go.
There is street parking along Dambachtal as you head up the street past the start.
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